Mimiri Notes

Terms and Conditions

This is an agreement between innonova GmbH (hereafter "innonova") located in Zürich, Switzerland and you the user (hereafter "The User").
By creating an account in Mimiri Notes you agree to these terms and conditions.
These Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice at any time.

1. License

The software program Mimiri Notes (hereafter "Mimiri Notes") is provided as is and with no warranties or liabilities under GPL v2.0 license, source code is published at all times on Github.
The software program Mimiri Server (hereafter "Mimiri Server") is provided as is and with no warranties or liabilities under GPL v2.0 license, source code is published at all times on Github.

2. Services

innonova offers services (hereafter "Services") for storing content and making it available across multiple devices, these Services are provided on an as available basis with no warranty or liability.
innonova retains the right to throttle or restrict access to these services in any way necessary to ensure the continued function and availability of these Services for the majority of users.

3. Use of Services

Use of Services is restricted to natural persons and legal entities. No automated use, including but not limited to "bots", is allowed.
innonova retains the right to ban, block, delete or otherwise terminate accounts created in any automated manner without notice or liability.

3. Service Level Agreement

innonova shall use all reasonable efforts to ensure service availability and data retention but shall not be held liable for damages beyond what The User has paid innonova
Other service level agreements may be offered for sale by innonova in which case any such agreement shall take precedence.

4. Deletion of Data

innonova shall physically delete accounts and data of The User from any and all live servers if and when The User requests this through the appropriate interfaces offered in Mimiri Notes.
innonova is allowed but not required to purge backups inside the normal retention window.
innonova is required to purge backups outside the normal retention window.
The normal retention window is set at the discretion of innonova for the purposes of meeting reasonable disaster recovery requirements.
innonova is not required to delete data to which The User has no access and cannot provide proof of ownership over

5. Ownership of Data

"Encrypted Data" refers to the data resulting from a mathematical or algorithmic process intended to make the data illegible to unauthorized parties. "Plain Text Data" refers to data that has either not been encrypted or has been decrypted. "Meta Data" refers to data that is used to manage other data, Meta Data may exist both as Encrypted Data and Plain Text Data
innonova retains the right to manage Encrypted Data in any way conducive to the continued operation of the Services.
The User owns all Encrypted Data created by The User through the use of Mimiri Notes
innonova owns all Meta Data stored as Plain Text Data on infrastructure owned or leased by innonova
innonova shall not sell, transfer or make available Encrypted Data, Plain Text Data or Meta Data to any third party.
innonova shall not make any attempt to extract Plain Text Data from Encrypted data
innonova shall not make any attempt to make available to itself or any third party Plain Text Data owned by The User

6. Security

The User is solely responsible for the quality of the password (hereafter "The Password") used to protect Encrypted Data. Any tools offered by innonova to help in creation of a high quality password are offered as is with no warranty or guarantee of accuracy or quality.
innonova shall not make The Password available to itself or any employee
innonova shall not store The Password in memory or on permanent storage on any computer or automated system owned or leased by innonova
innonova is allowed to store and access a derivative of The Password. Such a derivative must not be easily reversible, and must offer as much resistance to attack as is reasonable for the given quality of The Password. For this purpose reasonable is defined as PBKDF2-SHA512 with a minimum of 200'000 iterations

7. Data Handling

innonova shall not be held accountable for unauthorized access to Encrypted Data owned by The User for any reason
innonova does not assume responsibility for any data stored using Mimiri Notes.
It is the sole responsibility of The User to ensure that the encryption offered by Mimiri Notes and The Password chosen by The User offers sufficient protection for the data stored.
innonova shall not be held liable should The User choose to store sensitive information including but not limited to Credit Card information, Credentials for other services or legally protected data such as Personally Identifiable Information in Mimiri Notes using an inadequate password.
innonova shall store data owned by The User exclusively in Switzerland and/or The European Union
innonova shall treat data of all users regardless of nationality or residency in accordance with the protections offered by Swiss law and European Union Regulation (EU) 2016/679 commonly known as GDPR
innonova shall make available accurate information about the cryptography and security measures in use by Mimiri Notes

9. Data Recovery

innonova shall not be liable for loss of data due to forgotten lost or otherwise unavailable password
innonova shall be liable to no more than the amount The User has paid innonova, for any loss incurred by the loss of data through software or operational error
innonova is not required to help The User recover data lost through the fault of The User including but not limited to loss of The Password

10. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

Swiss law shall apply.
Any disputes shall be resolved in an applicable court of law in Zürich, Switzerland.