Secure no-nonsense device-synchronized notepad
A safe place to keep your notes, confidential data and credentials

For us a key design-principle was always that as a user you should have complete freedom in how data are organized - this is how we achieved it:
- A tree-structure allows endlessly adding notes within notes
- Notes can be easily moved around and re-organized
- Quickly narrow down the tree using Search to find a specific note
- Nothing is just a folder - any note can contain data as well as sub-nodes

We wanted to be able to store any kind of data - be it personal, confidential or credentials - this is how we achieved it:
- Everything is AES-GCM-256 encrypted before it leaves your device
- No one can read your data - not us, not our servers and not your ISP
- We prevent accidential screen sharing by hiding Mimiri Notes from screen sharing programs
- We prevent onlookers and security cameras from picking up password by hiding them from plain view
- Optionally lock the application when it has been unused for a while

Any device
We wanted to be able to access our data from anywhere and have the data real-time synchronized - this is how we achieved it:
- Clients are available for all major platforms - see Downloads
- All data are cloud-synchronized and real-time pushed to your other devices
- A local copy of your data exists on your device granting read-only access if you are offline
- Our web-client allows access from any browser even if you are without any of your devices

We wanted to be able to share and collaborate on confidential notes with people we trust - this is how we achieved it:
- You can share a single note or a branch of notes with multiple trusted persons
- Any changes within the shared note or its sub-tree are automatically synchronized between participants
- Data are encrypted in a way that only participants can decrypt the data in the shared notes

Another key design-principle was that we wanted our data and changes safe - even if mistakes were made - this is how we achieved it:
- Any edit you make in any note is kept track of and you can easily view historical changes
- Deleted notes are first moved to a Recycle Bin preventing accidential deletion of data
This ensures that your notes are always safe even if you happen to delete or edit something by mistake.

We focus on being a secure and efficent cloud-synchronized notepad application.
On purpose we do not support embedding images in notes or creating advanced layouts and tons of formatting options.
We believe the simplicity of Mimiri Notes is also what makes it great.